12 May Andrea Wilson honoured with the Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Education
Halfmoon Bay early childhood educator Andrea Wilson has been singled out for a Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Education.
Wilson works at the Halfmoon Bay Child Care Centre and has been dubbed “the queen of dress-up” by her colleagues there, who nominated her for the award because she “creates innovative spaces for exploration and intuitively supports the most vulnerable families in respectful ways.”
Nominators said Wilson makes a big difference for kids and families in Halfmoon Bay.
“Ms. Wilson is extremely dedicated to going above and beyond to support the parents, families and community members of our youngest learners,” a colleague wrote for Wilson’s nomination package.
“I have personally witnessed the difference that she has made in our community through connections with families.”
Wilson’s work was recognized by the office of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this month when she was chosen for a certificate of achievement, which carries a cash prize of $1,000.
The money can be used for professional development, equipment, resource materials, website development, teaching aids or other tools to improve programming, learning and children’s experiences.
Wilson said it was “a really big honour” to be singled out for the award, as she’s been working at the Halfmoon Bay Childcare Centre for the past 20 years. “So that was really sweet to get the nomination and just be recognized for that work.”
She plans to put the $1,000 prize money back into the centre she serves.
“We’re going to use it for storytelling and some felt board stories and some new books, so basically supplies for the daycare,” Wilson said.
The Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education have honoured outstanding educators since 2002, with over 200 awards handed out to date.
Recipients are recognized for their leadership, exemplary practices and their commitment to building strong foundations for children, enabling kids to make the best possible start in life.
Find out more about the awards at www.pma.gc.ca
Original article: http://www.coastreporter.net/news/local-news/prime-minister-honours-early-childhood-educator-1.19466699