10 May Change to Programming for Sept 2017
After much discussion as a staff and with childcare regulatory supports, we have come to the decision that beginning September 2017 we will no longer be able to offer Kindercare.
With the major childcare crisis in BC resulting in very few spaces for 3-5year olds and even less for infant-toddlers and the compounding lack of qualified ECE teachers to hire, we had to make a hard decision about how to best meet the needs of the community.
It is our hope that with a spotlight on childcare issues in the current election that some traction can be made in our field of education. Until we have better supports in place we have to do our best to support the needs of the children and the age group we are designed for, whom I have to turn away daily.
With only very few full-day spots, we need to focus on providing full-time care for 2.5-5yr old children because there are very few (if not no) other options for them.
There is the kids club in Sechelt that some of the HMB school kids take the bus to after school that is worth looking into for after school care.
We are very sorry for all that are immediately impacted by this decision and please know that it was not made lightly.
Thank you,
Jenn Hoile – HMBCCS manager