24 Oct Kicking Horse Coffee Fundraiser
Posted at 12:17h
in Fundraisers
Once again we are providing this great opportunity to purchase Kicking Horse Coffee at a reduced rate and help out the daycare! We are starting this short and fabulous fundraiser today and order forms are due back on Monday November 7th, 2016. (That’s only 2 weeks!!) Coffee due to arrive on the following Monday the 14th. Choose from ground coffee or whole bean.
> View Order Form
(We have paper copies of the order forms in the centre as well.)
10oz Bags of Ground $10
No grinder? No time? No problem! We’ve taken care of the daily grind. Fire things up with our exceptional, 100% certified Organic, Fairtrade, shade-grown Arabica, Canadian Rocky Mountain-roasted coffee. (Think that’s a mouthful? Wait until you’ve tried the first sip!) Freshly ground, meticulously packaged and one step closer to the cup!

1 lb Bags of Whole beans $14
Bold, beautiful, bring-it-on beans. These are hands-down, some of the finest beans in a bag you’ll find. From deep, dark & delicious to lively and bright; all our beans are 100% certified Organic, Fairtrade, shade-grown Arabica, Canadian Rocky Mountain-roasted coffee. Mmmmmmmm-hmmmmmm!