Our program fees are charged on a full day basis. Fees are calculated by the space you book for your child and must be paid in full, regardless of sickness or days missed. You are paying for their spot in the program whether the child is in attendance or not. Reimbursements, credits and make-up days will not be issued in such cases of illness, family holidays or appointments. If at some point during the year, you need to change your child’s regular attendance schedule, a month notice is required from the first of the month. We cannot swap days to accommodate missed days. A change in attendance refers to adding new or removing existing days from your child’s attendance.
Fees calculated at daily rate of $52.53 – with govt opt-in: now $25.28 / per day
Billing: Fees are due the first day of each month are collected via e-transfer. Please ensure that all fees are e-transferred to us, no later than the 6th of each month to: hmbchildcarecentre@gmail.com with the password question: what is my child’s name? Answer: (your child’s name)
Annual Membership: As a non-profit society, we are required to charge a minimum membership fee per year. Membership is $5.00 per family per year collected in September each year. Families registering after Sept. will pay fees along with their registration.
Registration Fees: A registration fee is required for all new children. Registration fees are charged to cover enrolment procedures, update information, scheduling, orientation information and part of the printing cost for the year. All registration fees are non-refundable. Registration fee $50 at time of enrollment.
Deposits: There is a $200 deposit due at the time of enrolment that will be held and applied to your last months fees or in the case of leaving without proper 30 days notice.
*See our Parent Handbook for details on unpaid program fees, repayment of pre-paid fees and the Afforadable Child Care Benefit