14 Jul We are Hiring
The Halfmoon Bay Childcare Centre is looking to hire energetic, creative, kind and thoughtful qualified ECEs and ECEAs to join our enthusiastic and friendly team.
We are looking for both full-time and part-time positions. Duties include, but are not limited to, working alongside and with children, planning and leading activities based on the interests that emerge, leading circle-time, as well as outdoor walks and activities on-site and in the attached provincial park.
A current first-aid and criminal record search are required. We offer very competitive wages and a great benefit package after the three-month probation period. Training opportunities for upgrading provided and ECEAs will have the possibility of educational funding after the probation period.
We are prepared for and have implemented new strategies for Covid-19 as per WCB and BCCDC/VCH requirements and recommendations.
Please contact Jenn at hmbchildcarecentre@gmail.com or (604) 885-3739